Get Involved

Get Involved

This section of the website provides a comprehensive list of all the ways you can get involved at Alzheimer’s WA. Whether you choose to leave a gift, join one of our dementia fundraising activities, start your own fundraiser or become a volunteer, we are grateful for your kindness and generosity.

In the following pages, you will find:

  • A straightforward guide for supporting dementia services and research by donating to Alzheimer’s WA
  • How to become a member of Alzheimer’s WA and become part of the voice that speaks up for people living with dementia
  • How you can raise funds for Alzheimer’s WA
  • Fun-Raising ideas for hosting your own dementia fundraising event
  • How to become a volunteer for us, including a list of available positions
  • How to leave an enduring legacy by leaving a bequest or endowment in your Will
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